Course Content
Getting Started
Discuss the tools and programming language required in this course.
Planning a new project
The first step in app development is to create a plan and focus on the technical aspect of the software.
Demo app: TaskApp
Taskapp is the demo app we will use as an example to follow and practice.
Backend (Intro)
We will explore and understand the basics of building a backend from scratch.
Backend (Service Layer)
We will focus on the service layer of the backend
Backend (Cloud Deployment)
Let's deploy or backend in the cloud.
Frontend (Design Pattern MVVM)
Let's continue developing the app with a focus on the design pattern Model View-View Model.
Frontend (Retrofit and Coroutines)
We will need to connect with our backend. Let's focus on the framework required to do this.
Frontend (Security and optimization)
This topic will focus on the security aspect of the app.
Frontend (Final changes and app test distribution)
Diseño y Programación de Plataformas Móviles
About Lesson

Hola Mundo with Android Studio (v1)

We will familiarize the IDE Android Studio by creating a new app from scratch.

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development. Based on the powerful code editor and developer tools from IntelliJ IDEA , Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your productivity when building Android apps.